- Rinse the sweetbreads under running water for about 45 minutes. Remove from the water and cook in simmering salted water that is on a medium heat. When they start to feel firm, refresh in cold water. Store in the fridge until needed.
- Blanch the spinach in boiling water until soft and wilted. Refresh in iced water and squeeze to remove excess water. Blend until smooth and the required consistency, adding seasoning and a little fresh water if needed.
- Mix the concasse with the feves and the chives. Add the dressing and check the seasoning.
- Mix the Essential Cuisine Signature Hollandaise Sauce with the Lamb Glace. Warm up and pour into an espuma gun.Double charge and set aside.
- Fry the sweetbreads in the butter and honey until golden brown and hot all the way through. Season.
- Heat the spinach puree and gently warm the tomato and bean salad.
- Spoon a circle of purree onto the middle of the plates. Make a ring with the tomato and bean salad. Place the the sweetbreads onto the salad and squirt the EC signature Hollandaise into the middle.
- Garnish with micro cress and salad leaves.