3kg chicken wings, tips removed, drums and
flat separated
25g celery salt
10g white pepper
375ml buttermilk
500g cornflour
125g rice flour
Oil for frying
30g fresh chives, finely sliced
300g fresh chillies
200ml vinegar
125ml water
50g Essential Cuisine Aromatic Base
5g smoked paprika
75g cornflour
250g butter, chopped into large chunks
100g honey
Salt to taste
100g stilton
100g roquefort
300ml mayonnaise
45ml sour cream
1.5g celery salt
1g black pepper
1. Preheat a fryer to 180°c
2. In a large bowl combine the wings with the dry spices and buttermilk. Leave to marinate for up to 4 hours. Drain off excess marinade and toss through the flours. Keep chilled until ready to fry.
3. Place the wings into a fryer basket in small batches. Cook for 7-8 minutes or until core temp of 75°c is reached.
4. As soon as the wings are cooked get them in a bowl and drench in the buffalo sauce, place on a plate, garnish with chives and serve with blue cheese sauce.
Buffalo Sauce
1. In a food processor blitz the chillies with the vinegar, water, Essential Cuisine Aromatic Base. Add the paprika and cornflour and continue to blitz until smooth.
2. Transfer the sauce to a saucepan and slowly bring to the boil, taking care to remove any impurities that bubble up.
3. Remove from the heat and add the butter slowly blending with a stick blender. Once all the butter has been blended into the hot sauce, strain through a fine sieve to remove any pulp.
4. Adjust the taste with honey, adding a little at a time until you’ve got the correct sweetness.
Blue Cheese Sauce
1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blitz until you’ve got a smooth sauce.