50g unsalted butter
2 red onions, peeled and finely sliced
1 large red cabbage, quartered and finely sliced
2 cinnamon sticks
2 bay leaves
5 star anise
125ml red wine
125ml water
50ml red wine vinegar
16g Essential Cuisine Light Vegetable Stock Mix
50g demerara sugar
300g dried cranberries
2 cooking apples, peeled and sliced
Freshly ground pepper
Sea salt
- Heat a suitable lidded pan and melt the butter. Gently sweat the onion until soft and slightly coloured.
- Add the cabbage and continue to cook gently for a few minutes.
- Stir in the cinnamon, bay leaves, star anise, red wine, water, vinegar, Essential Cuisine Light Vegetable Stock Mix and sugar.
- Bring to the simmer, put on the lid and cook until the cabbage starts to soften, stirring occasionally.
- Stir in the cranberries and apples, continue cooking with the lid off to evaporate any remaining liquid.
- Season to your taste, remove the cinnamon, bay leaves and star anise if required.