For the tartar sauce:
400g thick mayonnaise
25g Essential Cuisine Lobster Glace
30g shallot, peeled and finely chopped
30g capers, chopped
30g gherkins, chopped
30g green olives, pitted and chopped
5g freshly chopped parsley
10ml lemon juice
Salt and freshly ground pepper
For the battered fish:
450g self raising flour, sieved
600ml beer
10x 200g cod portions, boned and descaled, skin on and dried with paper roll
Essential Cuisine Fish Stock Mix, to season
Freshly ground pepper
For the garnish:
Triple cooked thick chips
Mushy or buttered garden peas
10 lemon wedges
- Mix the mayonnaise thoroughly with the Lobster Glace in a suitable bowl, stir in the remaining ingredients, season to taste with the lemon juice, salt and pepper.
- Place the flour in a large bowl, whisk in three quarters of the beer, then check the consistency. It should be thick, but add more beer if required.
- Preheat the fryer to 180 degrees. Season the cod all over with the Fish Stock Mix and pepper.
- Coat the cod portions, one at a time and allow to drip briefly into the batter, before placing into the hot oil gently, a little at a time until fully submerged.
- Turn halfway through cooking until the batter is golden brown and the fish is piping hot, remove and drain on kitchen roll, season lightly with salt.
- Serve with the crisp triple cooked chips, your choice of peas, lemon wedges and a good spoonful of the tartar sauce.