250g chuck or minced steak
50g chopped onion
50g shallots
100g smoked bacon
80g kidney beans
Garlic clove
Sprig of rosemary chopped
2 bay leaves chopped
250ml red wine
250g butter
250g flour
250ml Essential Cuisine Beef Stock
300ml Essential Cuisine Beef Gravy
50g butter
250g flour
1 egg
50ml milk
1. Fry onions until brown and add the bacon and kidney beans.
2. In a separate pan, sear the chuck steak until brown and add to the pan with the onions etc.
3. Add the red wine and the beef stock and simmer for 2 hours until meat is tender.
4. Add the beef gravy and bring to the boil and allow to simmer for a further ten minutes.
5. Make your pastry using the flour, butter, and water.
6. Add to the pastry the chopped shallots, rosemary, and bay leaf and roll out pastry to make your pies.
7. Butter your pie dishes before adding the pastry.
8. Mix egg and milk together and brush the top of the pie.
9. Prick pie a couple of times to let hot air escape.
10. Cook in the oven on 160 degrees for half an hour.
11. Serve with creamed mash potato and fresh seasonal greens.