170g Essential Cuisine Crème Anglaise Mix
300ml whole milk
200g condensed milk
150g strawberry jam
6 eggs
200g golden caster sugar
200g self raising flour
5g vanilla extract
5ml warm water
30g extra sugar
- Mix the Essential Cuisine Crème Anglaise Mix with the milk and the condensed milk. Whisking continousley, bring to a simmer. Cook out for 3-4 minutes. Cool, then churn in an ice cream machine. Roll into 2x5cm wide sausages. Wrap in clingfilm, then freeze until needed.
- Whisk the eggs and the sugar to ribbon stage. Add the vanilla extract. Sift in the flour, then fold in the warm water. Split between two 22cmx32cm lined baking trays and bake for 10-12 minutes until golden brown.
- Lay 2 sheets of greaseproof that are slightly larger than the baking trays on a flat surface. Sprinkle the extra sugar over. Turn the sponge sheets out onto the sugar. Spread with the jam, heating it slightly to make it easier to spread.
- Take the ice cream rolls from the freezer and remove the clingfilm. Roll in the sponge sheets as tightly as possible. Trim the ends and serve immediately.