Salt Awareness Week takes place 8-14 March 2021 and this year the theme is ‘More Flavour, Less Salt’. It may seem the only way to add flavour to meals is with a big pinch of salt, but there are many other ways to ensure your food packs a flavour punch! This Salt Awareness Week, the campaign is working to promote simple tips to help you use less salt, including:
Although a lot of the focus for the campaign is directed at home cooking, we are here to help your working kitchen whether you are in a school or care home, restaurant or hotel, we can provide time saving products that meet the 2017 Department of Health Salt Guidelines.
We have always been passionate about supporting the working kitchen and continue to look at how we can make chef’s lives easier by providing the cleanest of ingredient declarations and removing declarable allergens wherever possible, without compromising on taste. In addition to this, we are also conscious about the salt levels of our products.
All of the below ranges meet the 2017 Department of Health Salt Guidelines:
Stock Mixes
No1 Gravy Mixes
Asian Range
Vegan Stock Mixes
Classic Sauce Mixes
Crème Anglaise
Premium Instant Gravy and Cheese Sauce
You can request samples of our range here.
To provide further support, we are focusing on displaying nutritionals on our recipe pages. Displaying calories, fat, saturates, sugar and salt where possible to help you make more conscious decisions when planning your menus.
To discover more ways Essential Cuisine can support you call 01606 541 490 or click here to get in touch today.